Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach

The Pie Baking Contest and Auction Committee, Diane Wenger, Irene Peyton and Helen Short raised over $150,000 for Buchanan County 4-H in the past 20 plus years. This year, 2020, will be the 44th Annual Pie Baking Contest. Sadly, 2018 was the last year Diane was able to assist and we lost her in October of 2019. Diane Wenger, Irene Peyton & Helen Short

Diane Wenger was a 4-H member in her younger years, and she passed that on to her children.  Both Matthew and Ann were in 4-H from the age of 9 until they graduated, and Diane was an active volunteer with 4-H through the Atom Bombers 4-H Club.  Diane’s real contribution to 4-H in Buchanan County was the Annual Pie Baking Contest and Auction. Each year, she along with Irene Peyton and Helen Short would arrive at 5 a.m. to fire up the stoves for the contest and supervise the entire pie baking contest. They would then organize the judging and distribution of pies for the auction.  She always knew how much they raised for 4-H that year. This journey began in 1998 and continued until her health declined. 

Helen Short began volunteering with 4-H when her oldest son joined 4-H. She got more involved as the other two sons enrolled. In the early 90’s, she was asked to help with the Annual Pie Baking Contest and Auction. She not only watched her own family participate but also joined a great committee. Helen, Diane, and Irene had a lot of fun watching families, sometimes three generations making their fresh fruit pies to help the 4-H program. Watching the judges sample the pies and struggle to choose a winner was sometimes agonizing. However, they prevailed.

Irene Peyton has been a part of Buchanan County 4-H program for over three decades. She was the leader of the Atom Bombers Club for nearly 20 years. Irene has judged record books, assisted with the clothing selection, and other roles as needed. Irene was a member of the Buchanan County Agricultural Extension District Council. With her volunteer experience, she was able to represent 4-H very well on the Council and out in the community. Irene has helped make the Annual Pie Baking Contest and Auction a success for over 25 years. Irene continues to enjoy the fair and watching all the kids work hard on their projects. Irene supports her grandchildren on their new 4-H journey.

The excitement the contest created and continues to help grow 4-H in Buchanan County. This group of women bonded into a good working committee and over the years became truly great friends. Buchanan County 4-H will forever be grateful for the late Diane Wenger’s volunteerism and Helen Short’s and Irene Peyton’s continued support. Fifty-two pies are made each year under the direction of this committee!

Categories: 2020, Buchanan

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