Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 12:00 PM by Global Reach

Bart and Amy Samuelson of La Porte City came to be a team of dynamic 4-H leaders and volunteers, showing how two young lives that pursued divergent paths intertwined to form a rock-solid commitment to the 4-H organization.Bart & Amy Samuelson

Amy began her 4-H journey in the traditional way, joining at age 10 as an Orange Bud, later as an Orange Petal, then ascending years later as a senior member in the Orange Blossoms club. Her husband Bart's embrace of the 4-H organization was non-existent as a teen although his love of agriculture was supremely important, compelling him to seek and receive two degrees from Hawkeye Institute of Technology, one in Horticulture, the other in Turf Management. 

When the first of the couple's three children, Katey, now a veterinarian, came of 4-H age, she stated that "My parents committed their efforts to the 4-H program, enrolling me, then my siblings Emily and Wyatt." From then on, the Samuelson's dedication to the organization mushroomed. Bart and Amy, along with several other La Porte City parents formed and launched a 4-H club known as the Big Cedar Springers Their children, who all joined the club simultaneously, found themselves expanding their own projects and interests to follow their parents lead. 

Later, Bart and Amy joined the Black Hawk County Fair board, where they served terms as president during some challenging times.  Thanks in part to his leadership, program planning and fundraising, the Black Hawk County 4-H & FFA Fair has not only survived but thrived. 

In 2014 Bart was named "Firefighter of the Year" in Waterloo.  Bart also works as secretary-treasurer of the Waterloo Firefighters board, Honor Guard and Haz-Mat team.  In addition, Amy, served on the Black Hawk Fair Board and has worked for decades as a teaching associate.  Both are active in their church, Immaculate Conception in Gilbertville. 

Currently the enthusiastic pair serve as chairs of the Family Picnic held during the Fair in July.

Black Hawk County is pleased to honor Bart and Amy Samuelson as inductees into the 2020 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame. 

Categories: Black Hawk, 2020

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