Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 20, 2019 at 3:19 PM by Global Reach

Roy Hougen began his 4-H experience as a member with club work in both South Dakota and Minnesota spanning the years of 1947-52. His top memories from then were showing Poland China hogs at the county fair. Other club memories include the sharing of project learning, practicing parliamentary procedure, and simply making friends.Roy Hougen with award

Roy attended Iowa State University, graduating in 1957 with a B.S. in Agriculture-Farm Operations. His Extension career began with stints as Extension 4-H assistant in Sioux County, Iowa and then moving to Hancock County, serving as Extension 4-H associate. He returned to ISU in 1961 to complete a graduate degree. He returned to Extension as 4-H and Youth Program District Leader serving 4 years in Spirit Lake, and then was promoted to an Assistant State Leader for 4-H and Youth Programs, housed in the Fort Dodge area office. As Assistant State Leader, he gave leadership to youth program planning and project liaison in 26 counties in Northwest Iowa. Roy’s paramount focus was in working with county-based staff on planning to improve each county’s program according to its needs. Roy’s special sense of humor helped develop office camaraderie in a special event called “The Red Pen.” Co-workers will fondly recall those times with amusement.

While 4-H and Youth programs were his vocation, in his free time he also served as a volunteer club leader with the Fort Dodge Falcons 4-H club in Webster County.

In 1986, Roy moved up organizationally to join the state office as State Extension 4-H Development Specialist. In this role, he focused on volunteer development, youth community development, and staff in-service training. Roy was a key educator in special staff training programs including “Training Trainers to Teach”, “Volunteerism in Extension” and “New 4-H Staff Orientation.” According to a co-worker from his years in the State 4-H Office, Roy was “an excellent trainer for new 4-H staff, where many of them have gone on to long, successful Extension careers.” Roy believed in his work and it showed.

Professional recognition came with Roy being recognized as a National 4-H Fellow in 1968, being awarded the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, and receiving the Epsilon Sigma Phi certificate of Meritorious Service.

In retirement, Roy has continued to provide leadership, time and expertise for different community needs. He and his wife Pat coordinated the Bethesda Community Food Pantry (Ames) for many years. He also has served as coordinator of volunteer ministries at his church, and is a member of Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, Story County Housing, Ames Ecumenical Housing and the Hunger Collaboration committee with the United Way. Additionally, he has served on several church boards and committees, and has been active in several service clubs.

Another former co-worker shared that the best words to describe Roy Hougen include dedicated, thoughtful, articulate, and sincere. . . all with a great sense of humor!

Thank you Roy Hougen for your leadership to the Iowa 4-H Program.

Categories: 2019, State Recognition

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