Posted on August 19, 2019 at 2:20 PM by Global Reach
Who do you call when you need something fixed on the fairgrounds, when you need a woodworking workshop, you need record books judged, a plate of cookies, or you need the overall support of 4-H and more? The people to call in Tama County are long time volunteers, Dale and Connie Whaley. Dale has been a club leader, Extension Council member and sheep superintendent, with Connie always supporting him. Together they have been part of the fair board, Youth Advisory Committee, 4-H exchange trips, Adopt-A-Highway program and more. Tama County is proud to call Dale and Connie Whaley their 2019 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame recipients.
Dale and Connie have been active in many ways in the Tama County 4-H program. Starting in 1984, Dale became the leader of the Wolfcreek Whirlwinds 4-H Club, continuing until 1998. While Connie was not officially a leader, she supported Dale and the club.
Dale has been called on numerous times over the years to complete building and grounds projects at the Tama County Fairgrounds. There have been times he took it upon himself to do the job as it needed to be done. Dale began as an assistant to the sheep superintendent in 1989 and took over the job in 1990 until 1998.
Dale and Connie opened their home to helping 4-H youth learn more about woodworking. Not only did they have a finished birdhouse at the end, they had step-by-step training in the process. And of course, there were cookies to end the workshop.
They have taken part in the 4-H exchange trips over the years. A section of Hwy 96 east of Gladbrook still holds the name of Friends of 4-H in the Adopt-A-Highway program. Dale and Connie continue to be those friends to this day.
Dale and Connie have been part of the Tama County Youth Advisory Committee since 2015. They are present at county events and actively help out in the kitchen or wherever help is needed for the awards banquet, soup suppers and the Tama County Fair.
When Connie comes to a meeting, many times she comes carrying a newspaper article she has cut out for a 4-H member to add to their record book. Dale and Connie know the importance of a record book and have helped over the years in evaluating them.
Dale and Connie have two sons. Bryan lives in Eagle Grove with his wife Allison and daughter, Shea and son, Quinn. Bryan was active in Tama County 4-H from 1984-1992. Aaron lives in Omaha, NE with his wife Debra, and son, Logan and daughter, Madison. Aaron was active in Tama County 4-H from 1986-1994.
Tama County 4-H is thankful for the love and support they receive from Dale and Connie Whaley. They are truly one of our greatest supporters and we appreciate all they do for Tama County 4-H. Congratulations!