Posted on August 19, 2019 at 12:24 PM by Global Reach
Bill and Joan Kosters are the recipients of the 2019 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame award for Howard County.
Joan was a co-leader of the Flying Hoofs 4-H Club from 1987-2000. The Flying Hoofs 4-H club became a very active club under the leadership of Joan Kosters and Audrey Nosbisch. The barn at the fairgrounds had to be expanded due to the number of exhibitors that showed horses and ponies. During this time, they also began to dream of an arena at the fairgrounds. Some of the projects the entire club participated in are: Camp Sunnyside fundraiser, parades, concession stands, trail rides, horse workout sessions at the Saddle Club Arena, and helped to clean up and improve the Saddle Club Arena.
Bill and Joan were teachers and always there for the kids. They were ready to help in any way and encouraged them to do their best. Within the Flying Hoofs 4-H club, each member was encouraged to do club presentations and to keep record books. Because of the encouragement Joan gave to the youth, three members from the Flying Hoofs 4-H club received State Horse Project Awards including Allison Steen 1992, Matt Nosbisch 1993, and Kim Kosters 1995. That is quite a feat!
After retiring from leadership, Joan continued to help with the horse show at the fair for a number of years. They are always willing to lend a helping hand at shows and events. They continue to support their grandsons’ involvement with equine by helping them find and purchase the perfect pony and then attending WSCA shows and cheering them on.