Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 19, 2019 at 12:21 PM by Global Reach

Doug and Cindy Gillmore have been involved in Hardin County 4-H for 16 years, since their oldest daughter first joined.Doug and Cindy Gillmore

Parents of Amber, Amy, and Nathan, the Gillmore’s were involved in their kids’ projects and were supportive of new adventures they wanted to try. If it was a new project, they knew they would learn just as much as the kids. Traveling to county fairs, state fairs, weekend rabbit shows and workshops was part of their summer routine. Growing up, the family considered the fairs to be their summer family vacation!

Doug and Cindy served as the Hardin County Fair Rabbit and Poultry Superintendents for nearly ten years, and love the role! Doug is always working on projects to improve the poultry and rabbit shows and barn. They love helping 4-Hers with their projects by hosting rabbit clinics, helping new 4-H families grow and improve their rabbit and poultry herds. Doug even continued to raise show rabbits after his daughters graduated so 4-Hers would have someone local to purchase rabbits from for their 4-H project. Every year, Doug volunteers to tattoo rabbits for any 4-Hers that need it, free of charge.

You can find Doug and Cindy in the rabbit and poultry barn almost every day of the fair, from the time they open the barn gate until they close them for the night. That is their favorite place to be and they love getting to know all the 4-H families and hearing about all of their projects. They are always around to answer any questions families may have. The rabbit show has always been a highlight for them, seeing all of the kids getting their rabbits groomed and ready for the show. They encourage the older 4-Hers to help the younger ones, sharing their knowledge and experience.

Doug and Cindy, both have a true passion for teaching and helping 4-Hers. Because of this and all they have contributed to the Hardin County 4-H program, we are excited to recognize them as our 2019 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductees.


Categories: 2019, Hardin

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