Posted on August 19, 2019 at 12:10 PM by Global Reach
Beverly Peters began her involvement with 4-H as an 8-year member in Linn County, and then served there as a summer 4-H Program Assistant. After graduating from Iowa State, she had a 40-year career in Franklin County with 4-H and Extension, serving as a 4-H and Youth leader, Home Economist, and County Director. In addition she was a 4-H club leader for 20 years.
Over the years she has reached many youth through a variety of programs. One of her early programs was a grant to develop a Youth Community Resource Development year-round program in 2 communities, each having its own program assistant. This eventually became a summer youth CRD program led by college students and was held in 4 communities. In 1997 it evolved to the summer Clover Kids program which continues today.
Beverly was creative in developing some new county fair activities for youth participation, such as a Home Economics judging contest, a Mystery Bag Cookoff, and a Promote Our Commodities Class with local producers as judges.
Working with the Hampton Chamber of Commerce and Hampton-Dumont High School, she helped develop a High School Leadership program, which eventually became county wide. One of the Hampton-Dumont leadership classes did a community needs assessment and determined the community needed a theater and the Windsor Theater should be reopened. Students and adults worked together to raise funds, restore and reopen the theater which is now celebrating its 20th year in 2019 since reopening.
In 2001 Hampton-Dumont was one of 7 schools selected to initiate the ISU PROSPER project, an evidence-based delivery system that provides programs for sixth and seventh graders for preventing risky behaviors in youth, promoting positive youth development, and strengthening families. Beverly served as Extension team leader for 10 years, involving youth on the community team who were actively involved in the program carryout. This program has become the basis for the PROSPER program’s growth to an international program.
As a Real Colors facilitator, Beverly provided the program for youth from 5th grade through high school, 4-H volunteers, Extension Councils, and the business community for almost 20 years.
One of her favorite 4-H responsibilities was organizing and chaperoning 11 area CWF trips to the National 4-H Center in Washington, DC. Each trip was a memorable experience with great kids and lots of stories.
Because of Beverly’s community work, Extension became an important part of Franklin County—the “go to” place to get information, and a responsible partner in community, health, school, and agricultural organizations.
Beverly’s 2 children and husband Gary were also Franklin County 4-H members. Gary served as a club leader and swine project leader.