Posted on August 19, 2019 at 11:41 AM by Global Reach
Rob Bohnsack was a 4-H member and has always loved animals. His grandpa bought 6-8 ewes at the sale barn and brought them to their house to eat weeds. Rob chose a pen of market lambs as his first 4-H project and it expanded from there.
Rob bought his first purebred lambs and ironically named them Suzy and Sally. He didn’t even know the Weih twins then! He later married Suzy (Weih) and they had 2 daughters, Erin and Emily.
Rob grew up showing purebred sheep alongside his sisters Kim and Pam at the Mississippi Valley Fair and the Iowa State Fair. His interest in market hogs began when Rob joined FFA in Bennett.
Rob supported all his daughter’s endeavors, with 4-H being a big and special part of their family memories. Erin showed cattle and hogs while Emily showed hogs, horses, and even ran for Cedar County Fair Queen. As a family they attended many horse and cattle shows in Iowa and the surrounding area.
Rob served on the Cedar County 4-H Youth Committee and currently serves on the IFAA board (Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement).
Rob spent countless hours with 4-H members through the years helping them with their projects, even leasing one girl Emily’s horse to show for several years!
In addition to his time, Rob and his business, Custom Builders, have been very generous financial contributors to the Cedar County 4-H program and projects at the Cedar County fairgrounds. Rob is always finding ways to support the youth in Cedar County and throughout the state.