Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 19, 2019 at 11:31 AM by Global Reach

Nancy (Reed) and Gary Maurer joined Fayette County 4-H in 1956 and continued until graduation in 1965.  During that time, they both were very successful in showing beef.  Nancy exhibited registered Angus and Gary registered Shorthorns. They also exhibited miscellaneous exhibits in the exhibit hall. Nancy and Gary Maurer

These two were seen together a lot not only in 4-H but also at church and community events.  Soon after graduation they married. 

In1987 Nancy, along with a friend, began the Buffalo Kountry Pals 4-H club based out of Aurora. Nancy was instrumental in getting the trophy program going in Buchanan County.  She spent many hours sending letters and making personal visits to individuals and businesses seeking trophy donors for all Buchanan County Fair 4-H award winners.  After the donations were sought, she worked with Trott’s Trophies in Winthrop, to get trophies ordered and picked up.  She even took the time to stick a label, with the name of the donor and address onto the bottom making it much easier for the recipients to send a thank you.   

In 1998 Gary joined as a leader for the Washington Eagles 4-H club, based out of Independence.  This club was responsible for raising funds to rewire the Black Pavilion show barn and drop electrical outlets from the rafters in the beef barn, making it much easier for beef exhibitors to plug in needed equipment. 

Nancy and Gary served as Polled Hereford junior advisors for 24 years.  During this time, they wore many hats and took multiple vacations with their cattle friends to several states throughout the United States allowing the youth to show and compete in contests at Junior National shows.  Over the years, they have helped many adults and youth answering questions and make necessary decisions. 

Nancy and Gary have been married 52 years and are the proud parents of three daughters, who were all involved in Buchanan County 4-H exhibiting beef, including registered Shorthorn, Angus and Polled Herefords, and many exhibits in the 4-H building.      

Over the years Nancy and Gary spent many hours in the barn helping, not only their three daughters, but also the eight grandchildren break, wash, comb, clip and fit the beef animals prior to making their way to the show ring at the county, state, and national level events. 

Nancy and Gary continue to support 4-H not only in Buchanan County but also in neighboring counties and at the state level and can be seen sitting ring side supporting the youth.

Categories: 2019, Buchanan

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