Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 2:48 PM by Global Reach

Gary Dittmer was involved in 4-H for most of his life.  He was a Warren County   4-Her for 10 years as a member of the Whitebreast Warriors 4-H Club which later became known as the Whitebreast 4-H Club.  Gary Dittmer

Gary was involved in market pigs, market beef, welding, and woodworking. His senior year, he made a beautiful oak roll top desk that went on to the Iowa State Fair. Gary was involved in FFA and senior 4-H where he held many offices. He attended many FFA and State 4-H Conferences and was involved in 4-H exchanges with other 4-H members from Oregon and Pennsylvania.

In 1998, when Gary’s oldest son, Anthony, was old enough to join 4-H, Gary became a leader for the Whitebreast 4-H Club. He continued to be a leader while his daughter, Alyssa, and his youngest son, Brandon, were in 4-H. He loved working with the youth of Warren County and watching them grow as individuals and as leaders.

Gary’s favorite fundraiser for the club was the Whitebreast 4-H dime toss at the Lacona celebration. He was involved with the Warren County Pork Producers grilling at local businesses and advocating for the youth of Warren County.

Gary was a 4-H leader for 20 years, a member of the Warren County Youth Committee, and a swine superintendent for many years.  During the county fair, you could always find Gary grilling at the Pork Producers stand or hanging out at the hog barn helping the youth with their projects. During the hog show and auction, Gary was in the show ring helping round up pigs or wherever he was needed. He was a staple at the hog barn.

Gary passed away in August 2017. He will be greatly missed at the fair and helping the youth of Warren County

Categories: 2018, Warren

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