Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 3:43 PM by Global Reach

Nathan Mass was a very active member of the Loyal Lassies/Ingraham Straight Shooters 4-H club in Mills County.  His 4-H career was highlighted by being selected to attend the National 4-H Congress in Chicago, attending Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington DC, and being a member of Mills County’s livestock judging team, including representing Iowa at the national contest in Louisville, Kentucky. Through his involvement in these activities, he learned the value of his 4-H experiences, and understood that they could not be possible without volunteers. Nathan Mass

Nathan jumped in to volunteer while he was a student at ISU.  He served as a coach for the livestock judging team for eighteen years.  Through his coaching, he helped 4-H’ers learn about livestock, improve communication skills through oral reasoning, and gain confidence through their experiences.  As an adult, one of Nathan’s former livestock judging team members credits his experiences with the team, and the dedication of the coaches, as the reason he had the confidence to successfully seek, interview, and land a job in his chosen career field. 

Nathan further impacted 4-H youth and families by serving as the 4-H beef superintendent for ten years.  This position gave him the ability to guide families as they learned the best care and management of their animals at home and at the fair.  He was an excellent role model, helping the participants understand that although the beef shows at the fair give an opportunity to show off their animals, it is more important to share what they have learned about caring for and raising animals. 

Mr. Mass continues to provide benefits to 4-H’ers and community members as a Mills County Fair Board member and officer.  For twenty one years, he volunteered his time and expertise to improve the fairgrounds, environment and experiences at the fair.  He headed up the design and construction of a new show arena in 2006, making the area a comfortable space for participants, animals and spectators.  He was also a member of the building committee that constructed the Lakin Community Center in 2017 that now serves as a beautiful gathering place for 4-H’ers and the community all year around. 

Nathan has positively influenced youth by providing guidance, education and quiet encouragement.  He demonstrates how to be successful through integrity, honesty and hard work.  He is a selfless volunteer who explains why he gives so willingly to the 4-H program, “The experiences that 4-H has given me over my lifetime are immeasurable.  It initially sparked my interest in agriculture that helped me gain knowledge and experiences that formed my career, but it has also allowed involvement at a local, state, and national level where I have met many people and gained skills that last a lifetime.  I just hope to be able to give back to 4-H just one ounce of what it has given me.”

In Mills County, we believe you have more than surpassed that goal .  Thank you!

Categories: 2018, Mills

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