Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 3:26 PM by Global Reach

Jim and Mary Krejci Burr have been active supporters of 4-H.  Mary was a 9 year member of both boys and girls 4-H growing up on a farm in rural Linn County.  She graduated from Mt. Vernon High School and the Radiologic Technology Program at the University of Iowa. At the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics she was CT Scan manager, then 3D Imaging Specialist until her retirement after 42 years of service. Jim & Mary Burr

Mary became a 4-H club leader for her daughter’s club when there was an opening.  That club, Golden Rule Golden Stars, the oldest continuous club in Johnson County, received its charter in 1929.  The club has been active in several community service projects including Furry Friends, donating stuffed animals to area emergency agencies. The project started in 1995 after their daughter was comforted by a stuffed animal she received after a fire in their home.

When her four oldest grandchildren were old enough for Clover Kids, there were no clubs available.  Mary started Golden Rule Clover Kids club. Two of those grandchildren are in their final year of 4-H.

Jim was born in Niagara Falls, New York, moving to Iowa City with his family in 1960.  He graduated from City High School and the University of Iowa. He worked in biomedical research at the University of Iowa and VA Hospitals for ten years. After thirty years working in the food and beverage industry, he became a real estate sales agent. He has been very active in photography, fishing, hunting, men’s slow pitch softball, volley ball, darts, and billiards.

Jim put his food and beverage experience to use by volunteering as project supervisor for the Johnson County 4-H Pop and Pizza Booth at the fair.  With his experience in food safety, he wrote an operations manual, trains volunteers, orders supplies, and oversees the operation during the fair. Under his leadership, the booth has generated thousands of dollars to support 4-H scholarships and programming. Most importantly, the booth serves to help 4-H youth learn food safety, to work as a team, and interact with the public.

Mary has attended several regional volunteer forums and state 4-H leader’s retreats. She has helped lead educational sessions for county project workshops. Jim has served as a trip chaperone. Both have volunteered at the county pancake breakfast fundraiser, evening hosts at the 4-H building at the Iowa State Fair, and the Special Olympics banquet. Mary has been an exhibitor at the Iowa State Fair Foods Department for several years.

They have three children Jenna, Lynda, and Marra- a 4-H alumni and past Johnson County Fair Queen. Their grandchildren are Connor, Lucas, Isabelle, Logan, Lytt, and Kepler.

Categories: 2018, Johnson

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