Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 2:04 PM by Global Reach

Becky Elsbernd has been an active 4-H volunteer for 7 years. She is a club leader for Cerro Gordo Explorer’s 4-H Club and keeps them active with many activities including tours of various businesses in and around Mason City and lining up activities on their own farm such as salsa workshops and pre-fair workshops. Becky, her husband Randy, and their three kids can always be counted on to step up and help out at fair, for workshops, and helping her 4-H club members with project areas in which they are interested. Becky Elsbernd

Becky goes above and beyond to help club members explore their interests and get started in various projects. Becky and her family purchased laying hen chicks this past winter and offered a junior 4-H member a chance to purchase chicks to raise and show at the county fair. Becky taught the 4-Her what they would need and how to get started. She also gave him pointers about taking and showing the chickens at fair.  When he had some issues with his hens, he went to Becky for advice and she offered some simple yet effective solutions.  

Becky always makes every group member, sibling, and parent feel welcome and included in our activities. The way she facilitates meetings and activities naturally gets the kids mixed in amongst other ages. This way the older kids are helping and guiding the younger ones, which is a great leadership skill for the older kids and a great example for the younger kids.

“Becky Elsbernd is an all-around wonderful person and great 4-H leader. I cannot imagine being in 4-H without the Elsbernd family.  We do so many fun activities and a lot of the time we all end up at their place. They make everyone feel a part of the group and you are always welcome there!  Our club would not be the same without her!”- Sabrina Kingston, Cerro Gordo Explorers 4-H member.

Categories: 2018, Cerro Gordo

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