Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 2:03 PM by Global Reach

Craig Smith has been active in Cedar County 4-H for most of his life.  Craig began as a youth member of the Stanwood Standouts 4-H Club in the mid 1970’s where he exhibited lambs, steers, and heifers.  He became very involved in livestock judging, continuing that in college at Hawkeye Tech where he won several titles at the Mid-Continent competition, and judging various shows including some junior national shows after graduating. Craig Smith

As an adult, Craig served as a 4-H volunteer and as a sheep and meat goat superintendent for many years.  He helped create an FFA Meat Goat Learning Lab project here in Cedar County and is currently working with us to start a 4-H Share a Lamb project.  Craig is a long time member of the Cedar County Fair Board, having held several offices and is always involved with anything pertaining to livestock and youth.  He is a member of the Cedar County Cattlemen where he is constantly advocating to promote learning opportunities for the kids of Cedar County.  Craig and his family own Cedarcrest where they raise and sell cattle, sheep and Boer goats.  Craig is very involved in helping kids and families that purchase livestock from them.  He likes to support them as they care for and prepare their animals for exhibition.

He is a great supporter of our youth, always works hard, and leads by example.  Craig is always willing to step up and help with anything he is asked to do - from the market beef weigh in, the sheep and goat weigh in, fair check ins, to clinics and workshops throughout the year.  And he does it with a positive attitude and a smile on his face.  Craig truly is one of Cedar County’s best!

Congratulations as Cedar County 2018 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee.

Categories: 2018, Cedar

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