Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 1:00 PM by Global Reach

Butler County is pleased to select Margaret Harris of Clarksville as their 2018 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee. Margaret has been part of a long family tradition of participating in Butler County 4-H. Growing up in Aplington, she was a member of the Monroe Clever Cloverettes 4-H Club from 1961-1969. Her father was a longtime 4-H member and leader and her siblings were all active members.Margaret Harris

Margaret devoted much of her life to encouraging her children and other youth to become leaders. During her own 4-H years, Margaret participated in home improvement, clothing, and food projects and showed the family’s shorthorn cattle. In 1966 she represented Butler County in the State Fair Clothing Review and also had clothing exhibits at the Iowa State Fair. She received a clothing award and an outstanding 4-H award. Beyond projects, Margaret attended Jr. 4-H camp and State 4-H Conference. She was elected the County 4-H girl’s president for the 1966-1967 year, and went on the 1968 awards trip to Chicago, along with her future husband, Dale.

In 1970 she returned to Jr. 4-H camp as a counselor. In 2003, she became a leader for the Butler BB’s 4-H Club. She is always quick to encourage the young members to get involved in Communications Day activities and enjoys learning from them as they give presentations and working exhibits. She shared her love of sewing with many members as she leads quilt and sewing workshops. She was instrumental in starting the Butler BB’s running service project of making quilts for children in the hospital through Project Linus. She continues to help members put together their own quilts.

In addition to being a club leader, Margaret served on the Butler County Extension Council for four years. Margaret has been a leader of the Butler BB’s

4-H Club for 15 years and looks forward to supporting the members at both county and state fairs this summer!

Categories: 2018, Butler

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