Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 28, 2017 at 9:20 AM by Emily Saveraid

DeAnn HebertDeAnn Hebert has participated in 4-H all her life. As a member, a program aide, a camp counselor, a leader for her four children, and now, the leader for the East High School 4-H club.

Once a week for the past 25 years, DeAnn has inspired the members of the East High School 4-H club to work hard to achieve their goals. The club participates in service and volunteer opportunities, social events, and fundraising activities. In the summer, they hold workshops and exhibit at the Polk County Fair. These members learn the value of hard work and commitment. They have learned lifelong skills including self-confidence, perseverance, and leadership. DeAnn’s efforts to get the club involved, take action and achieve their goals is inspiring.

It is impossible to list all the events and volunteer activities DeAnn helps the club organize throughout the year. DeAnn’s commitment guides the group through numerous projects including working the East High School Alumni Dinner, planning club socials, sewing pillow cases and raising money for Saint Joseph’s Family Shelter, and arranging trips to Iowa State University for workshops and events. DeAnn has contributed countless hours supporting, teaching, leading, and encouraging. DeAnn encourages 4-H’ers to persevere and always try their best. When they need support they always know DeAnn will be there to help.

Finally, in conjunction with her commitment to 4-H, DeAnn is also the leader of two East High School competitions; Project Sewing Machine and Project Runway. Project Sewing Machine is a student driven project to raise money for their own sewing machine. DeAnn stays after hours far beyond contract time to make sure every student has every opportunity to earn their sewing machine. She spends her own time and uses personal resources to help the students with fundraising.  In her career she has helped over 106 students obtain their own personal machine. Project Runway is a friendly competition where students can make their own outfits. DeAnn provides all the materials and schedules time after school to help every student be able to show off their skill and talent. The amount of personal time spent planning and prepping for each of these activities is remarkable. Much of her own personal resources go into each and every one of these undertakings. Her outpour of generosity and effort is inspiring.

DeAnn’s continued support of 4-H’ers and the commitment to providing leadership and learning opportunities greatly effects our county and all its communities. DeAnn plays a major role in the lives of these young students. Thank you DeAnn for your generous contributions to the youth of Polk County! 

Categories: 2017, Polk

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