Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 28, 2017 at 8:44 AM by Emily Saveraid

Cheryl BlankespoorWhen you hear the phrase “Bleeds Green” in Lyon County, Cheryl Blankespoor’s name instantly comes to mind.  Cheryl has a passion and love for the 4-H program and her club.  Cheryl is from Inwood in Lyon County.  She is a wife to Harvey and mom to Noah and Tate.  Cheryl is the 4-H leader of the Country Kids 4-H Club and was previously a leader of the Happy Rockies 4-H Club both in Lyon County.

Cheryl’s love of 4-H began as a child when she was a member of the Happy Rockies 4-H Club where her mom Barbara Drenth was a leader for over 25 years.  Cheryl had many exhibits in different project areas over the years as a 4-H member. Her exhibit highlights include receiving Senior Champion Showmanship for beef and sheep and she had a number of exhibits selected for state fair which included sewing, fashion review, angel food cake and a decoupage clock.

Cheryl continued that passion as a 4-H Leader.  She has been a leader in Lyon County for over 15 years.  She has planned many club meetings, community service projects and fundraisers.  She is always looking for new ways to make the club fun and educational for the youth.  Cheryl’s passion for 4-H continued even while fighting and becoming a two time cancer survivor. 

Outside of being a 4-H leader, Cheryl is a wife, mother and daycare provider. She is a member of the Lyon County Fair Board and the Seeds of Faith Methodist Church in Lester.

Over the years, many Lyon County 4-Hers, parents and volunteers have had a positive opportunity because of the passion Cheryl Blankespoor has shown for youth and the 4-H program.

Categories: 2017, Lyon

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