Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 28, 2017 at 8:34 AM by Emily Saveraid

Lavern and Dorothy NagelLavern and Dorothy Nagel have supported Jones County 4-H for many years.  Lavern exhibited dairy animals as a 4-H member. Although Dorothy was not in 4-H she and Lavern started farming and were active 4-H volunteers after their marriage in 1950!

Dorothy was an active Richland Roc-etts girls club leader and Lavern a Richland township boys club leader. Lavern chaperoned Jones county 4-H’ers on an exchange trip to Nebraska and they both continued support of 4-H exchange trips, chaperoning 4-H members to Louisiana and Nebraska and hosting 4-H’ers from other states in their home. Lavern and Dorothy served on the Jones County 4-H Youth Committee. For Dorothy a highlight of the 4-H Youth Committee was the presentation of awards to deserving Jones County 4-H youth! Lavern was a member of the Jones County Extension Council when the Floral Hall on the Jones County Fairgrounds was replaced with the Youth Center, supporting 4-H youth in Jones County. Lavern and some friends built a hoof trimming table and taught 4-H members to properly trim cattle hooves.

After “retiring” as 4-H club leaders Lavern and Dorothy accepted responsibility for the 4-H food stand at the Great Jones County Fair. With no permanent walls, only a roof and no running water the 4-H food stand was successful, a great memory for many Jones County 4-H alumni as they learned to prepare and serve food to the public at the Great Jones County Fair. Lavern and Dorothy hung cattle panels and tarps at night to “close” up the food stand, keeping everyone out with the exception of the coffee pot that was always on for the overnight personnel!! 

Teaching 4-H’ers the importance of accepting responsibility, getting work done and “making the best better” has made wonderful memories for Lavern and Dorothy and Jones County 4-H alumni. Lavern helped with the twice a week Great Jones County Fair 4-H member watermelon feed for many years, letting his children clean the rinds out of his pickup truck!!

The Nagel family business, N & N Trailer Sales, continues to support Jones County   4-H.  In October Lavern and Dorothy will celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary. Their children, Linda, Gary and Steve have continued the legacy of Lavern and Dorothy by working in agriculture and serving as 4-H leaders, Youth Committee members, Extension Council members and Great Jones County Fair directors. Their great grandchildren are clover kids too!

Lavern and Dorothy enjoy visiting, and reminiscing about “the good ole days” and their wonderful 4-H memories! 

Categories: 2017, Jones

Thanks for the photo; would there be a original size version of this we could use? Otherwise, we can make this one work. And could you please tell me who the two women are on either side of the Nagels? Thanks, Pete Temple, Sports/Ag Editor, Monticello Express, Monticello, IA
Pete Temple | 3/20/23 at 3:16 AM
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