Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 25, 2017 at 9:38 AM by Emily Saveraid

Rob WillmsRob Willms grew up as an 8 year Beaver Hotshot 4-H member in Guthrie County.  His projects included beef and swine along with demonstrations at the county level.  Rob was involved in showing his livestock and held various officer positions in his club, including president and treasurer.

He was also a very active 4-H parent.  Both his daughter and son were in 4-H in Winnebago and Hancock counties.  Rob and his wife, Sheila, served as leaders while their children were in 4-H.  Rob helped them prepare livestock exhibits and supported their 4-H involvement.  He always helped set up the swine show for the fair and helped with other 4-H volunteer projects as needed. 

Rob served on the Hancock County Expansion and Review committee giving direction to the program.  He has also served on the Extension council nominations committee multiple times.  In recent years Rob helped to organize bids from local businesses for our 4-H members who sell livestock at the fair auction.   He recognized a need to get more auction buyers and took on the task of creating a solution.  He recruits 10-15 businesses that would be willing to buy auction items.  Rob then attends the auction to bid on items on behalf of the sponsoring businesses.  At the completion of the auction Rob sends the businesses a letter along with the bill of sale, telling them the exhibitor’s name, the amount they purchased animals for, and the amount they will be receiving from the sale of the animals.  With Rob’s efforts the number of businesses supporting 4-Hers at the livestock auction is significantly higher. 

In addition to supporting the 4-Hers with his auction buyer organization he also contributes to the Hancock County 4-H program in a variety of ways.  As an officer at Farmer Trust & Savings bank he facilitates multiple sponsorships for Hancock County 4-H.  He organizes workers and monetary support for our 4-H food stand at the Hancock County District Fair.  He also facilitates the bank’s support for Hancock County Extension’s annual 4-H Fund drive. 

When Rob is not busy supporting 4-H he is active with his own herd of Angus cattle and serving as a deacon at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Garner.  He is also a committee member of the Hancock County Foundation.  Rob serves on the Hancock County Health System Board of Directors and on the Board of the Winnebago-Hancock County Cattlemen.  Rob says a favorite memory of his 4-H involvement over the years is, “Seeing the smiling faces of the young 4-Hers as they receive ribbons for their projects.”  Without his support Hancock County Extension would not be able to offer high quality hands on educational programming for youth at a low or no registration cost.  His effort of organizing auction buyers is also what is keeping the fair livestock auction a beneficial program for Hancock County 4-H members.     

Hancock County Extension is grateful for Rob’s support of the 4-Hers and the 4-H program. 

Categories: 2017, Hancock

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