Posted on August 24, 2017 at 9:21 PM by Emily Saveraid
Amy Staudt has been involved with the Floyd County 4-H program for a number of years as a parent volunteer, crops superintendent at the Floyd County Fair and a 4-H leader.
With the Floyd County Fair Board she served as chair of the grants, entertainment and publicity committees and most recently was the fair board president.
Amy served at least 5 years as the crops superintendent at the Floyd County Fair with the responsibilities of helping 4-H and FFA youth to learn agronomic practices. With this position she was responsible for ensuring youth filled out their correct paperwork and helped to take a judge on tours of the youths’ field projects.
Amy then moved to create a 4-H club and become leader of the Floyd County Jolly Rancher 4H Club. Her club is involved in many community service projects which include ringing the Salvation Army bell and carving pumpkins for the annual Charles City Spookwalk.