Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2017 at 9:02 PM by Emily Saveraid

Janis HowardJanis started working as a fill-in for the office assistant at the Davis County Extension Office in April 1998.   She became a full-time employee in July 2000, serving as the office assistant until she retired in April 2017. 

In addition to all the normal office assistant tasks, Janis worked tirelessly for the 4-H program. She helped prepare receipts for livestock weigh-ins, made exhibit tags for county fair, and kept record book and fair entry forms and information updated on the website and in the display racks. She also maintained the trophy list and sent out invoices each year to trophy sponsors. 

Janis paid exceptional attention to detail, and was called upon to enter static exhibit entries into spreadsheets at the fair, and write descriptions of exhibits selected for state fair. Her attention to detail also earned her the task of doing the final proofreading of the county 4-H fair book. Janis knew all the 4-H members and their families, calling most walk-in customers by name and greeting them with a smile. In recent years, Janis completed background screenings and helped maintain volunteer records.

As turnover of 4-H staff occurred, Janis jumped in and took on additional tasks until new staff were hired.  Once the new staff was on board, she served as an amazing resource – always willing to share what she knew in a kind way.  She was definitely the glue that held the office together, and was willing to do anything that needed to be done. The staff in the office probably haven’t fully realized all the ways Janis touched the 4-H program in the short amount of time since she retired. Janis would just say she was doing her job, but those that worked with her definitely know that her worth is “priceless”

Categories: 2017, Davis

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