Posted on August 24, 2017 at 3:37 PM by Emily Saveraid
Dr. Doyle and Rhonda Slavik founded the Schleswig Sharks 4-H club in 1996 and served as the leaders of the club for 10 years. Before the creation of the Schleswig Sharks, no 4-H club existed in Schleswig in Crawford County. Doyle and Rhonda provided 4-H club members with opportunities to develop leadership, citizenship, and communication skills. These included: local highway beautification, winter wear collection and donation, created and dispersal of “cheer boxes” to the elderly at Christmas, assistance with local fundraisers, benefits, and community events, donation of a bench for the city walking trail beautification project, donation of gifts for the local KDSN radio station Christmas Crusade, collection of donations for and participation in the Crawford County Alzheimer walk, and the club hosting a Mother’s Day banquet. Doyle and Rhonda further supported 4-Hers by sharing club members’ accomplishments with the community by publicizing the results from the county and state fairs in the surrounding newspapers. Following their retirement as 4-H leaders, the club planted a tree and placed a plaque along the Schleswig walking trail in their honor.
Additionally, Doyle served on the Crawford County Extension Council for 20 years where he was a member of numerous committees and the council secretary for 16 years. Doyle was also a member of the Crawford County Youth Committee for 12 years and served as both the secretary and president on this committee.
Doyle and Rhonda actively assist with the Crawford County Fair. Doyle served as the Crawford County Fair Pet Show superintendent for 20 years. At the pet show, Rhonda assisted with check-in, organization, management, record keeping and distribution of awards. Before acting as the superintendent of the pet show, Doyle was a judge for the pet show.
They organized and operated the 4-H and open rabbit shows for 10 years, serving as the superintendents. Doyle and Rhonda held educational workshops for 4-Hers and their families about rabbit husbandry, showmanship, and tattooed rabbits in preparation for showing. At the regional grooming clinic, Doyle presented for the rabbit sessions.
Doyle acted as the assistant poultry superintendent for several years and Rhonda organized and prepared exhibitor information for the Crawford County Fair Poultry show. Doyle has supported 4-H and county fairs in the surrounding counties by judging both rabbit and poultry shows. Doyle also served as the Crawford County Fair Veterinarian for 6 years.