Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2017 at 8:56 PM by Emily Saveraid

Don and Terri Swanton live in Goose Lake, Iowa, where they’ve raised four children and own a Pioneer Seed Sales Agency.  They both grew up in strong, traditional 4-H families; their parents and grandparents were 4-H members, club leaders and county committee members.  The Swanton’s have been heavily involved in showing livestock, especially in the areas of sheep and cattle.  Terri has also been involved in clothing, food and nutrition and home improvement projects.  

Like many other couples they know, Don and Terri met through 4-H and they haven’t missed a county fair or state fair since they met.  4-H has played a huge role in their lives, including many great memories and experiences they will never forget.  

Don and Terri are currently in their 16th year of being leaders of the Goose Lake Jr. Feeders 4-H Club, which is the largest 4-H club in Clinton County with over 60 members.  Don became a county fair sheep superintendent right out of high school and continued in that position for 20+ years, and Terri’s first job after college graduation was 4-H Youth Program Assistant in Clinton County.  Terri has been a member of the Clinton County 4-H Endowment committee since it was established in 2007.     

All four of Don and Terri’s kids have been or are currently 4-H members.  The Swanton’s are very proud of their children and enjoy watching them grow up while being active members in an organization in which they believe in and support.  Don and Terri say their children have acquired many of the same life skills through their  4-H involvement as they did, including skills in communication, goal setting, giving back to the community, helping others, and becoming strong leaders. To the Swanton’s, 4-H isn’t about the awards and recognition.  It is about the learning and the investment in yourself and others that’s most important.  

According to Terri Swanton, “In today’s world, there are so many influences that can lead our youth in the wrong direction; we believe the 4-H program teaches the ethics, morals and values that can keep youth on the straight and narrow.  Adult guidance and support are essential and are the foundation of what the 4-H program stands for.”

Don and Terri give thanks to the 4-H program for shaping them to become the people they are today and the Clinton County 4-H Youth Development Program thanks them for giving back. 

Categories: Clinton, 2017

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