Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:59 AM by Emily Saveraid

Myra and Lonnie HarrisMyra and Lonnie Harris have been strong supporters of the Worth County 4-H program all of their lives. They are proud parents of four children, who were very active in 4-H and have enjoyed a large number of their grandchildren participating in Worth County 4-H. They have been dedicated 4-H volunteers in a number of ways.

Lonnie and Myra have given of their time and talents as 4-H leaders with Lonnie also serving as a County 4-H Committee member. During Lonnie’s tenure on the 4-H committee he led a capital campaign on two separate fundraisers to build a new 4-H building and a new 4-H and FFA livestock show arena at the Worth County Fairgrounds. Myra and Lonnie volunteered many hours to the Worth County Fair Board, with Lonnie serving more than thirty years as their treasurer. Myra provided major leadership while serving as secretary/treasurer of the Worth County Beautification Committee that has conducted several Worth County Fairgrounds betterment projects including the most recent task of heading up fundraising for a new $650,000 fair office and Extension office that will be constructed in the next few months. 

The Harris’s have been very passionate about providing their time and talents in following the 4-H Motto of helping youth to work at “Making the Best Better”. Myra and Lonnie have devoted their lives to helping young people become the best they can be and members of the Worth County 4-H have benefitted greatly by their outstanding commitment and efforts.

Their community involvement has also gone well beyond 4-H in that Lonnie and Myra have spent countless hours serving their local church and holding offices in the Cattlemen’s Association. Myra has also held major offices and leadership positions in her local Green Thumb Garden Club, while Lonnie volunteered many hours to Community Economic Development boards and the Northwood Volunteer Fire Department. 

Categories: Worth

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