Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:58 AM by Emily Saveraid

Sam ThomasSam Thomas has been a dedicated volunteer for the Woodbury County 4-H program for 25 years.  She has been involved as an assistant 4-H leader, 4-H superintendent in several departments at the county fair, is a member on the 4-H rules committee, has been a member of the Woodbury County Extension Council and is currently an assistant leader for the Arlington Future Farmers 4-H Club.  She is also working with young people on 4-H wildlife projects.  She is passionate about bees, bats, snakes and other critters to help their environment and ours.

In addition to her volunteer 4-H work, she is a Master Gardener for Iowa State Extension and Outreach – Woodbury County.  Through that program she has given workshops, talks and demonstrations to garden clubs, Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center, Siouxland Garden show and local schools. Sam is involved in her community of Moville, Iowa in a variety of ways. She is also active in Old Town activities at the Woodbury County Fair and is a member on the Woodbury County Fair Board. She takes care of numerous animals on her “ranch.”  Her animals have been in petting zoos and in a nativity for a local church.  Sam does catering as a side business.  She has donated her catering services to local groups in their fund raising efforts and she is known for her chicken and noodles and buttermilk brownies. Sam does this all while working full time at the Natural Resource Conservation Service out of the Cherokee, Iowa office.

Sam made sure her own sons, Ryan, Jake and Bo, were well rounded when growing up. A few skills they learned were how to papier mache, wood carve and do sign language.  When her sons more or less rebelled, she found other young people to teach.  She has taught many youth the skills of constructing bee houses, baking, and making candy along with making blankets that are then donated to the Woodbury County Community Action Agency.

Sam and her husband Steve live in Moville, Iowa.  Her three sons, Ryan and fiancé Kayla and granddaughter Cadence, Jake and his wife Emily, and Bo all live in the area. Sam is a proud military mom. She has a granddaughter, Cadence, who she adores. In her spare time Sam likes to quilt, garden, make cards from rubber stamps and go to animal auctions.

Sam doesn’t like the lime light and prefers “behind the scene” work.  But there are so many people who respect and admire her that receiving this award is just one way for them to honor and thank Sam for all the volunteer hours she has donated to the Woodbury County 4-H program.

Categories: Woodbury

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