Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:55 AM by Emily Saveraid

Tim McGuireTim McGuire found an outlet for one of his greatest passions, working with the Webster County 4-H Program. Through 4-H he was able to combine his love for children and animals, heading the Sheep Project, serving as Sheep Superintendent and serving on the Iowa State Sheep Advisory Committee.

Tim was involved with the Webster County 4-H Sheep project for over 25 years and was the fair sheep superintendent for over 15 years.  He saw many sheep identification changes from tags only, drawing hair, to retinal eye imaging.

Tim could be seen at the weigh ins encouraging the 4-Hers as they weighed in the lambs and was always helpful to families.  To help the families, he scheduled project meetings to share with families how to raise their lambs and how to feed.

He was actively involved in securing funding for pens for the sheep barn and could be seen around the area searching for buyers to support the 4-H’ers at the auction.

Tim tirelessly found a market outlet for the lambs and worked with the fair secretary and extension staff to put together a show order for the fair after the weigh in. 

He was always thinking how to make the sheep show better and how to encourage new families to start in the project.  His draw lamb project made it easy for families to find lambs and to work with those families as they fed the lambs to get them ready for fair.  Tim gave his heart and soul to the Webster County 4-H sheep project.  

Growing up, Tim greatly treasured the time he spent with his parents and siblings raising and showing sheep.  He later enjoyed the time shared with his sons as they raised and showed sheep. 

Tim McGuire passed away on Sunday, April 17, 2016 which was Good Shepherd Sunday.  How fitting for this man. 


Categories: Webster

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