Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:54 AM by Emily Saveraid

Darcia is a school secretary, a past 4-H leader, and currently a contributing member of the Wayne County Fair Board, PEO, and TTT.  She is active in the SCHS booster club, the Promise City boosters, and her church.  Add the mantle of wife, mother and grandmother to the mix and you have a full life.  For Darcia Lange, no cause is too small … no challenge too big!  Those that know her describe her as energetic, tireless, effervescent and caring.  Darcia believes that life is much too valuable to be wasted on the sidelines, so she gives others her most precious possession … her time.

Darcia’s 4-H journey began in 1969 when she joined the Osceola Atomettes. She did indeed pledge her head to clearer thinking, her heart to greater loyalty, her hands to larger service and her health to better living for her club, her community, her country and her world! 

During those early club years she developed an appreciation for various projects such as the dress review and other categories.  She took on new challenges in various categories for state fair exhibits.  Darcia later joined the Osceola Go-getters and added the responsibilities of showing 4-H animals, where she earned Jr. Showmanship honors.  With the belief that with membership comes commitment, Darcia held every office; reporter, secretary, treasurer, vice president and president.  In 1978, Darcia was chosen as the Clarke County Fair Queen and represented Clarke County in the Iowa State Fair pageant.

The responsibilities of adulthood did not diminish Darcia’s zeal for 4-H.  From 2002-2006 she served as the leader of the Walnut Monroe Lone Tree club, and from 2006-2009 as the leader of the Clover Kids.  She passed her passion along to her family and together they continued to be an integral part of the 4-H experience by becoming members of the Wayne County Fair Board where they continue to be active.

Darcia is indeed a testament to the values and direction that comes from participation in the 4-H experience.  If you were to ask Darcia about her service, she would undoubtedly tell you how much it has enriched her life … if you were to ask those whose lives she has touched they would tell you … she is a special person equipped with a smile, a direction and time enough to help you be the best you can be!

Categories: Wayne

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