Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:39 AM by Emily Saveraid

Steve MoserSteve Moser is an integral part of Story County 4-H.  He was a 4-Her at age 10, a leader of his local club several years, a driving force on the Story County Fair Association Board for 40 years, and an active supporter of the Story County 4-H Foundation. 

As a Story County Fair board member, Steve recognizes the county fair is the culmination of the 4-H project process, the place exhibits are evaluated by judges, where 4-H members present their best efforts for public observation.  Over the past 75 years, the Story County Fair board has organized and carried out a youth fair in collaboration with the Story County Extension staff, that juggles the enthusiasm of youth, the hopes of the adult volunteers, the expectations of parents, and the enjoyment of the public. 

Steve has served a variety of positions on the board, including president and vice-president.  One who nominated Steve for the 4-H Hall of Fame wrote, “County Fair is Steve’s favorite time of year.  From preparing the grounds, to weighing in cattle, to hauling manure, Steve is always willing to do whatever needs to be done.” 

As a 4-H member of the Nevada Neighbors Club, “Willie” was the first calf Steve exhibited.  That calf may have been the inspiration for the bottle bucket calf program, which Steve was instrumental in starting years later at the Story County Fair. As a way to get youngsters involved with cattle, he geared part of his cattle herd program to provide calves for 4-Hers, offered a place, if needed, for 4-Hers to keep their calves, and mentored the kids in caring for their animals.  He helped establish the Swine Derby program so 4-Hers could learn such aspects of swine production as rates of gain and carcass quality. He is the one operating the scale on weigh-in day.  He is the one who steps up to help 4-Hers with trucking their livestock and to increase premium money for 4-Hers at the Story County Ribbon Auction. He cares about 4-Hers.

His son Lucas testifies that his dad got him hooked on 4-H with bottle bucket calves, breaking calves to lead and as his shadow at the county fair during early morning livestock weigh-ins and late night cattle barn tear-downs.  Lucas says “My Father has been the heart of the fair for over 40 years.”

Steve Moser is a person who has served the youth of Story County for many years, who cares about young people, volunteers willingly, listens effectively and makes decisions fairly.  He is both deserving and worthy of this prestigious recognition.

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