Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:16 AM by Emily Saveraid
Ringgold County has many volunteers worthy of the 4-H Hall of Fame recognition but in 2016 two nominees are being submitted. They exemplify the motto of “Making the Best Better” and practice the concepts of the 4-H Pledge in 4-H meetings as well as in daily activities.
Bobbi Bainum and Vickie Jeanes are the recipients of the Hall of Fame recognition from Ringgold County. Bobbi remains an active 4-H Club leader for the past 24 years. Vickie has retired after 16 years of service, but continues to be interested in the county youth in her vicinity. She always encourages them and lends a helping hand when she can.
Community service work has been emphasized and allowed for improvements, pride, and a sense of accomplishment which otherwise would probably not exist. Their club is the Sunshine Workers and meets in a small town called Redding. The 4-H club takes pride in being involved with a small community, and strongly believes in giving back. They began and continue to host an annual Easter egg hunt in the Redding community – all kids from the county are invited to participate. The Sunshine Workers for several years also provided a soup supper in their community.
All their 4-H members excel in being better and doing for others. Bobbi and Vickie are excellent role models and leaders but know when to “retreat” so there is real learning and involvement by the youth. “Learning by Doing” is their philosophy.
Many of their members have grown to make a difference in the lives of children in our world by having careers and adult activities which relate back to the influence of 4-H and these volunteers.
It is with great pride that Bobbi Bainum and Vickie Jeanes are inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.
Categories: Ringgold