Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:12 AM by Emily Saveraid

Diane R. BargfredeDiane Bargfrede was raised in Clay County where she grew up in an actively involved 4-H family. Diane was an eight-year member of the Logan Leading Lads 4-H Club. She was also a member of the Logan Lucky Clovers for four years. Diane was active in the beef project with her siblings and showed pure bred Hereford breeding heifers and market steers at the Clay County Fair. She fondly remembers her club boasted the largest membership and bringing the most head of cattle to the fair. In 1968, Diane exhibited her breeding heifer at the Iowa State Fair. She remembers that it was a little bit of a “culture shock” because she had to walk her heifer down a crowded street to the show pavilion.

Diane attended Nettleton College in Sioux Falls, and received an Associate’s degree in fashion apparel and merchandising. However, 4-H was still in her blood. In 1979 Diane began working as the Office Manager for Lyon County Extension Office, overseeing the day-to-day activities and the Lyon County Fair. Diane remembers working very diligently on all of the show programs, sale catalogs, and exhibitor information in order to ensure everything was accurate. One of her most memorable accomplishments was working tirelessly to raise money for a new indoor show ring which was was constructed and open for use in 1982. It was during the Lyon County Fair in 1988 that Diane met her future husband, Craig Bargfrede.

In 1996, Diane became the County Youth Coordinator. She made it her goal to expand and develop new programs and increase interest in 4-H. Diane was instrumental in starting the Clover Kids and Farm Safety programs. Diane was also the founding leader of the United Clovers 4-H Club, where the club still boasts to be one of the largest clubs in Lyon County. From livestock weigh-ins at the fairgrounds, to chaperoning Citizenship Washington Focus trips; coordinating summer camps, and serving as the adviser for the Lyon County Council, there was always an event, or activity to coordinate. Diane enjoyed working with the County Council members, and remembers after the meetings this group would play a pick-up game of basketball.  Overall Diane dedicated 22 years to the growth and success of the Lyon County 4-H program.

In 2001, the Bargfrede family relocated to Ankeny. Diane promptly took this opportunity to find a new 4-H Club for her two sons to get involved with and the family quickly became active members of the Ankeny 4-H Club. From baking to proofreading, helping with write-ups and selecting the right photos, Diane tirelessly helped with her sons’ 4-H exhibits. She became more involved as a volunteer during the Iowa State Fair in both the 4-H building and in the Livestock Department. From assisting with livestock check-ins, working in the horse, sheep, and swine offices, serving as an evening exhibit host in the 4-H Building, along with countless other responsibilities, Diane has spent many hours helping exhibitors and families get the most out of their state fair experiences. Diane became a certified photography judge, and has judged for many central Iowa counties plus the Iowa State Fair. Working individually with first year 4-Hers to seniors in high school on techniques and methods to enhance their photography projects, Diane has had memorable experiences.

Diane and her husband, Craig, reside in Ankeny, and are 4-H 1000 Donors. They have two sons. Phil and Grant credit their mom’s energy and passion for 4-H and youth for helping them choose their respective career paths. Diane truly exemplifies the 4-H motto of “Making the Best Better” through her positive attitude, her unwavering support for the 4-H program, and countless interactions with 4-Hers from across the state of Iowa. 

Categories: Polk

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