Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 9:04 AM by Emily Saveraid

Jerry and Robynn AndersonJerry and Robynn Anderson are a 4-H couple that truly bleeds green.  Both Jerry and Robynn were Muscatine County 4-H members, active in club and county events holding many offices within their respective clubs.  Robynn attended State 4-H Conference and represented Muscatine County at the Iowa State Fair in educational presentations and working exhibits.  Robynn was a recipient of several county awards for food and nutrition, clothing, home improvement, child development, leadership, beef,  I Dare You, Merit, and Outstanding 4‑H’er.  Robynn held the office of president her senior year on the Muscatine County 4-H Council.  Fast forward, Jerry and Robynn became advisors for the County 4‑H Council for several years.  They were excellent leaders, keeping the group moving in the right direction and making sure the teens completed their tasks.

In 2003, when their son Caleb started kindergarten, Robynn wanted to start a Clover Kids group in West Liberty.  She sent fliers home from school for K-3rd grade. She had 125 kids show up!  Robynn had adults to help with Clover Kids, but not for that many kids so she concentrated on the kindergartners and away the group went until Caleb became of BIG 4-H age in 4th grade.

Many of her Clover Kids transitioned into Big 4-H, enough to start their own club, the Wapsie Legends.  Robynn and Jerry continue to lead the Wapsie Legends club, mentoring their club members in how to give presentations, grow in their leadership skills, and give back to their community. 

When Caleb became interested in robotics, Jerry and another couple wanted to start a science and technology club.  When the other couple moved away, Jerry took over the reins. He has been the main leader of the Sci-Tech club for several years. Members have participated in the Bratney Robotics Challenge and Junk Drawer Robotics at state fair.  Jerry MC’s several programs including the Muscatine County Awards Program, the Sunday Awards Program, and the 4-H Style Show.

Both Robynn and Jerry have offered their club to assist with county events such as a workshop to help new 4‑H’ers prepare for the fair.  They led a communication workshop designed to encourage more 4‑H’ers to participate in communication activities beyond their club.

Jerry and Robynn enjoyed spreading the good news of how 4-H helps youth experience their own adventure and gain valuable life skills in leadership, citizenship, and communication skills.  They provide individual help to members of their club at their home with presentations, exhibits for the county fair, and record book completion.  They have encouraged members and others of the county to strive for high standards and take every opportunity they can in 4-H!

This couple has been a staple in the Muscatine County 4-H program for many years.  Jerry and Robynn will be retiring from their normal 4-H duties after this 4-H year and will miss the enjoyment of working together as a team with other leaders of their club, but they will always be involved with 4-H in some way!

Categories: Muscatine

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