Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 8:54 AM by Emily Saveraid

Evelyn BaldwinEvelyn Baldwin’s love for 4-H began when she was a 4-H member in Calhoun County.  Evelyn’s 4-H records earned her a scholarship to Iowa State University. 

Evelyn was a project leader for two girls clubs in the late 1960’s and 1970’s.  She was a co-leader with her husband, Roger, of a boys club while their three sons were members of 4-H. 

Evelyn helped her sons with their 4-H projects which included sheep, swine, woodworking, photography and gardening.  She helped to organize the early start of the 4-H food stand at the show ring, also cooking many pounds of BBQ meat.  She assisted with barn stall assignments and exhibitor sign placement at the fair.  Her passion continued as she became a 4-H judge and judged food exhibits at the area county fairs and one state fair. 

She continues her support today by helping at the Lyon County 4-H static judging day writing comments for the judges.  Evelyn’s passion for 4-H is evident to the Lyon County 4-H community when after her husband passed, she started the Lyon County Roger Baldwin Memorial 4-H Foundation with the help of 4-H supporters. 

Many Lyon County 4-Hers, parents and volunteers have had a positive opportunity because of the passion that Evelyn Baldwin has for youth and the 4-H program.

Categories: Lyon

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