Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 8:30 AM by Emily Saveraid

Don and Kay KopacekDon and Kay Kopacek have always been a part of 4-H; as members, as parents to their own 4-Hers, and as very involved volunteers throughout their lives.  They have both served in many capacities, always willing to help out as they were available.

They worked alongside their 5 children as involved 4-H members showing cattle, baked goods and much more.  Kay served as a 4-H club leader for the Orthel Jolly Workers for nine years.  During her years as a club leader she led a workshop about baking bread, organized a club effort to make signs for the fairground building, and served as a chaperone for the Chicago award trip.  Both Don and Kay have served terms on the Hancock County Extension Council.  Don served multiple years on the Hancock County Fair Board, several of them as president.  Don was instrumental in adding a commercial beef (not-fit) class to the fair during his years of service. 

As their kids grew up they continued to stay very active in volunteering time, supplies, and monetary support to Hancock 4-H.  In recent years Kay managed the 4-H food stand at the county fair, helped kids prepare exhibits at local achievement shows, judged 4-H exhibits at surrounding county fairs, supervised crafts at Jr. Camp, and lead a “t-shirt upcycle” sewing workshop.  She currently still serves as a volunteer for the Britt 4-H Afterschool Kids club and the Britt Clover Kids. 

The Kopaceks have made a difference in the lives of numerous Hancock County 4-Hers and staff.  Hancock County Extension & Outreach is grateful they are so willing to volunteer to help 4-H in so many capacities.  They are truly the type of volunteer staff who help with any task when asked.

Categories: Hancock

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