Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:02 AM by Emily Saveraid
For over thirty years, Ken and Collette Huntley have dedicated countless hours and resources to the 4-H program. In the 1980s, after their eldest child joined a local 4-H club in Crawford County, Ken and Collette immediately became very active in 4-H. Ken became the county superintendent of dairy goats, and Collette became a leader of the club. With their connections to the surrounding communities, they organized resources to ensure a thriving educational experience for their club. Yearly community service projects became the norm for the club. These community service projects ranged from entertaining senior citizens with skits and sing-alongs to burning natural prairie land to help plants propagate, a particularly meaningful project for the Huntley’s who have spent years developing and preserving prairie land on a section of their own acreage.
As years progressed, the Huntley’s became even more involved in their 4-H community. Collette became the Crawford County Superintendent of 4-H Communication Day, where 4-Hers present educational presentations, working exhibits, Share-the-Fun, extemporaneous speaking, and Pride of Iowa. Collette attended judges’ training, which has allowed her to judge 4-H exhibits and presentations at achievement shows and county fairs across the state. Collette has also judged at the Iowa State Fair for numerous years. Using decades of experience as a teacher and her dedication to improving youth, Collette challenges 4-Hers to improve their exhibits and write-ups. Ken continued to support local 4-H clubs by offering his time and resources. Whether helping decorate the 4-H booth at the county fair or helping a 4-Her finish a difficult project, Ken has always provided unwavering support to the 4-H program. .
All five of Ken and Collette’s children were heavily involved in 4-H; collectively, their children brought hundreds of exhibits to the Crawford County Fair and represented their county numerous times at the Iowa State Fair. Ken and Collette were behind every exhibit and write-up, acting as a supportive parent. Though their children have grown older and graduated, the Huntley’s continue to influence the lives of children by remaining active in the 4-H program. In recent years, Collette has helped 4-Hers develop strong goals and write-ups by leading workshops and serving on panels. Collette also serves on the Crawford County Extension Council and the Crawford County 4-H Youth Development Committee to ensure the local 4-H program maintains its integrity. Ken remains heavily involved in Crawford County’s Conservation Board and guides 4-Hers in appreciating nature. Over the years, Ken and Collette have devoted thousands of hours to 4-H and have taught hundreds of 4-H youth. We cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award.
Categories: Crawford