Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:03 AM by Emily Saveraid
Clayton County is proud to recognize Jean Whittle as the 2016 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame inductee. Jean volunteered countless hours for the 4-H youth in Clayton County, whether it is taking tickets or scrambling eggs at the annual brunch, chaperoning the Lock-In, or clerking the poultry show at the fair. Whenever there is a need, Jean steps up! In 2015 when the poultry show was cancelled due to avian influenza, Jean put together a “Poultry Skill-A-Thon” for the poultry project members during the county fair.
Jean works each year at the county fair as a superintendent for the horse, dog and poultry shows. She served 20 years on the Clayton County Extension Council, serving as secretary and Youth Committee representative. As a member of the Clayton County Extension 4-H & Youth Development Committee she diligently worked to improve the county 4-H & youth programs. She continues to serve on county fair livestock advisory committees.
Jean was not a member of 4-H growing up, but all three of her children were members. Her first experience with 4-H was when her oldest daughter joined a 4-H club in Delaware county. Jean later became a 4-H leader.
Jean is the office manager at the Elkader Veterinary Clinic. She and her husband Tim enjoy keeping up with the activities in which her children and grandson are involved.
Categories: Clayton