Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:03 AM by Emily Saveraid

Nancy HillesheimNancy Hillesheim’s career so helping others began with young girls in the Peppy Pixies Club in 1979 to 1983. Though she was no longer a leader she continued to be an active part of the club that later became the Jolly Blue Bells. Nancy has many interests and talents in sewing, baking, and overall concepts of the 4-H program she shared with the enrolled youth.   

Her leadership role did not end at the club level, as she accepted the year-round position as secretary on the fair board of the Big Four Fair in Nashua for the last thirty years. Some of her experiences include being part of the 4-H Queen contest, the Big Four Fair parade and helping to choose entertainment activities.  Fair board members call her the “backbone of the board!” Nancy’s family has always been supportive of her leadership roles.  Each year brings new challenges, but the values that began with 4-H continue to be passed on through the generations.

Categories: Chickasaw

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