Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:03 AM by Emily Saveraid

Jody GrantJody Grant is a long-time volunteer and supporter in Cerro Gordo County 4-H. Her love for the organization started at age 9 when she joined the Grimes Go-Getters. As a member, Jody participated in a variety of projects. But beef was, by far, her favorite. Jody showed cattle at both the North Iowa and the Iowa State Fair. 

After graduating high school, attending college, and settling down with her husband in her hometown of Thornton, Jody decided to re-involve herself in the 4-H program. Jody became a leader of the very club she participated in, now known as the Grimes VIPs. Jody and her co-leader encouraged the club to be active in the county and in the community. Members participated in every project area, providing community service, and running a food stand at local softball games to raise funds. 

Jody has always been willing to provide assistance needed by her members. She briefly took over leadership of the Thornton Farmhands club until combining the two clubs in 2014.  She raised her kids to "bleed green" and encouraged them to take advantage of all the opportunities the 4-H program has to offer. Jody still leads the Grimes VIPs club after 30 years and often chauffeurs members to events, creates projects with them, and helps them raise funds to attend events such as the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference and 4-H camp. Jody expanded her volunteer duties recently after seeing the need for a goat superintendent.  She has enjoyed learning about the species as the project area continues to grow in Cerro Gordo County.   

Members, past and present, have this to say about Jody: 

"She taught me to be the best I can be and never give up. She also taught me that no matter how hard or scary it gets, to just get back on task and keep going." Cailee Henning 

"She's taught me that when you're struggling it's worth the wait because the outcome is always better. She also taught me to be patient on things that take a lot of time and effort." Breanna Fairbanks 

Jody has dedicated her head, heart, hands, and heath to the 4-H program and enjoys every minute of it. Not only does she love helping members with projects, but she also enjoys watching them grow and achieving their full potential as future leaders.

Categories: Cerro Gordo

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