Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 26, 2016 at 10:04 AM by Emily Saveraid

Curt Chesmore“4-H is all about the experience and helping others,” said Curt Chesmore, who was a 4-H volunteer for over 30 years. He is one who lives for the experience, always there to lend a helping hand, and teaching others what it takes to become a leader. As a former 4-H leader, Curt believes 4-H has many opportunities for kids to be engaged in and participate. The 4-H community has had a large influence in his life and he hopes that our future generation will see the impact of 4-H in their lives as well. 

Curt started 4-H when he was 10 years of age and loved it! He was involved in showing livestock, crop judging, and even went on to nationals in Chicago to receive the National Achievement Award. Following high school he attended Iowa State University for a short period, but farming was his passion and he made the decision to go back home and farm. On the farm he used to milk cows, raise pigs, and still today he is growing crops. Not only is he a farmer, but he has worked at a couple of implement stores throughout his adult career. He has four children who were involved in 4-H and enjoyed their involvement in the different livestock and static project areas, especially during fair week. 

4-H opened many doors for Curt. After school and having kids he became a 4-H leader of the Washington Eagles club for 10 years. As leader, his favorite thing was the demonstrations presented at county or state fair. Keeping record books was also important in his club because it told a story about each kid’s projects and participation. He served on the Youth Advisory committee, Extension Council, Pork Producers, and Buchanan County Fair Board. Being an active member, he wanted to see kids having fun during the fair. So he came up with a fun event that also promoted pork, “pig mud wrestling”.   It is still a favorite today. 

“4-H is about bringing people together and there is no ending to what you can gain out of 4-H. It keeps going and going,” Curt said. Another highlight for him was, of course, the pie auction. It was always a joy for him to bring the public in and challenge them to bid against each other to help raise money for the 4-H program. Curt lives by the 4-H motto each and every day and hopes others see the importance that we are here to help and serve others.

Categories: Buchanan

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