Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 25, 2016 at 10:01 AM by Emily Saveraid

Jim Pancratz was a Dubuque County 4-H’er as a member of the Washington Senators 4-H Club.  He was active in the dairy project and also participated in State 4-H Conference and Citizenship Washington Focus as a 4-H’er, then later as a Dubuque County chaperone. 

He was a leader for the Dubuque County 4-H Senior Ambassadors for over 5 years.  He helped at the Dubuque County Fair with the dairy show, wrote comments on judging day, helped with the 4-H auction and with the set up and tear down of the 4-H building.  Jim also helped at the 4-H food stand and for several years donated Muscatine watermelon and muskmelons. 

Jim served on the Dubuque County Extension Council for 12 years and held offices of vice president, secretary and treasurer.  Jim also helped with three Extension referendums and provided computer support in 2010 when the committee was successful. 

He has contributed financially to the Iowa 4-H Foundation.  Jim received the Iowa Governor’s Volunteer Award in 1995.  He has shared generously of his time and talent with the Dubuque County 4-H program.


Categories: Dubuque

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