Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2015 at 4:35 PM by Global Reach

Jayne Lupkes

Jayne Lupkes has been very dedicated to embracing and enhancing the 4-H program in Worth County throughout the past 30 years.  She is serving on the County Extension Council, the 4-H committee, has been a 4-H leader and helper throughout those 30 years along with having her children and now her grandchild in the 4-H program.  She is an alumni of the 4-H program from Howard County, Iowa.

She supports the 4-H program by giving of her time by judging record books, helping 4-H clubs with projects, supporting the 4-H garden and has helped with Clover Kids.  Jayne, along with her daughter, previously helped manage the 4-H food stand.  She volunteers her time in the food stand each year, helps clubs set up club booths for the fair and is active supporter of the 4-H clubs throughout the county.   Jayne has assisted 4-Her's prepare for state interviews, shown support for the unique parenting fair program  and other programs that boost 4-H and Extension and Outreach.  Chaperoning 4-H sponsored trips to Chicago and Citizenship-Washington Focus have been some highlights she enjoyed.  She and her husband support the local livestock ribbon sale at the end of the fair also.

Her expertise goes further than the local level by giving of her time to the Iowa Association of County Extension Councils (IACEC).  Jayne is currently serving her fourth term on IACEC's board and is chairing the Policy, Finance and Legislative committee.  She has been IACEC's president for two years along with being the treasurer of the Association for two years.  IACEC supports all Extension programs with the 4-H program being a huge focus.  Staying connected with legislators to educate them on the value of the 4-H program for the future leaders of Iowa has helped funding for 4-H.

Jayne has dedicated hours to make sure the 4-H program remains strong in Worth County and throughout the state.


Categories: Worth

Congratulations Jayne. This honor is well deserved for all the time and dedication you have given to the 4-H program. You are very much appreciated for your leadership. Thanks for all you do.
Gloria Helgeson | 3/20/23 at 3:16 AM
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