Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2015 at 9:41 AM by Global Reach

 Lois HuntLois “Cookie” Hunt from Ringgold County is remembered for her many years of service to 4-H and Extension programming in this county as well as all over Iowa. 

She was a co-leader in the Jolly Jinglers 4-H Club for 16 years.  The wide variety of learning and community service projects changed many young people’s lives forever.  They experienced trips, overnight camping, and leadership projects that set a standard for the community of Diagonal that the clubs still strive to achieve today.  Grant writing and fundraisers taught the youth to look to other ways of getting things done for the community in order to enhance its image and effectiveness.

Lois was in 4-H in Oklahoma as Lois Hunt receiving awarda young person.  She accomplished much in her home area.  She was selected to represent her state at the National 4-H Congress.  She inspired several youth in Ringgold County to achieve that same recognition, including all 3 of her daughters. 

Lois served in many capacities in Extension.  As well as being a 4-H volunteer, she also served a term as an Extension Council member, and worked as a program assistant for some time.

Lois then moved on to become an area specialist in community work, and then became an Area Extension Director serving a large portion of the state.  She has been active with the Iowa 4-H Foundation.  She has green blood and delights in success of our young people due to the value 4-H has instilled in her for a lifetime. 


Categories: Ringgold

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