Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2015 at 9:39 AM by Global Reach

Sherry Durst Sherry Durst has been involved with the 4-H program for a number of years.  She was the O’Brien Extension office secretary for 15 ½ years.  While working at the Extension office she learned and became familiar with the 4-H program.  Sherry currently serves as the O’Brien County Fair Board secretary. She has held this position for over 25 years, showing her dedication to the O’Brien County 4-H program.  She is always busy organizing all aspects of the fair.  Being the O’Brien County Fair Board secretary she has learned how much time and effort it takes to make a spectacular county fair run.  She spends many evenings corresponding to judges, lining up entertainment for the fair, taking care of book work, typing board minutes, placing orders, writing grants, answering questions, working with fair board members, and the list goes on.  Sherry is always trying to make the fair bigger and better from the previous year.

Not only has she been involved with 4-H and the fair with these two positions; her two kids were very active in 4-H and the O’Brien County Fair.  They participated all 9 years of 4-H, and always had many exhibits at the fair for livestock and non-livestock.  As a 4-H mom she was always there to help Tiffany and Anthony with their 4-H questions, projects, and goal cards. They knew they could ask their mom any question, and she would know the answer since she was so involved. Sherry Durst receiving award

She currently has a grandson, Traven, who is in his second year of 4-H.  She is a big supporter to him and being in 4-H.  She is always looking for projects for him to complete and enter in the fair.  She also has fun helping him with his projects.  Traven goes to grandma to ask questions.  She also encourages her other grandson Teagen, who isn’t old enough for 4-H, to complete a project and enter it in the open class.  Another memory that she has made with both of her grandsons is having them help her count the ribbons that are left from the previous year to figure out how many she needs to order for the upcoming year. 

Sherry is seen around the fair daily with a smile on her face and often answering questions.  Her love for the O’Brien County Fair and the 4-Her’s is easily seen.  Not only has she worked closely with the O’Brien County Fair, but she has made lifelong memories with her family through the O’Brien County Fair.


Categories: O'Brien

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