Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2015 at 9:38 AM by Global Reach

James PaulJames Paul began his career as a Henderson Hornets 4-H member in 1966.  He learned organizational and leadership skills while serving as secretary and president of his club.  He enjoyed showing beef, swine, rabbits and photography at the county fair.

As a youth, James understood the importance of going the “extra mile”.  He ran for a county office position and was selected as treasurer of the county council.  He participated in the Citizenship-Washington Focus trip and exhibited beef at the Iowa State Fair.  Because of these experiences and a desire to give back to youth and the 4-H program, he made the decision to serve on the Mills County Fair Board as a young adult. While serving on that board, they needed an assistant superintendent for the agriculture and horticulture project area. 

A more experienced board member suggested ‘someone like James’ should fill the vacancy.  Even though he did not have a lot of experience in this area, and this was not one of his projects when he was in 4-H, James agreed to fill the position.  He credits Harold Seipold, the lead superintendent at the time, as teaching him all about horticulture, as well as modeling how to serve as a positive mentor for youth. 

James has now been providing guidance and encouragement for youth for the past 30 years.  He organizes workshops and challenges that motivate the youth to experiment in growing a variety of crops and produce.  He has assisted well over 1,000 youth and adults, helping them to develop skills, a love for gardening, and a desire to go the extra mile. James Paul receiving award

James farms in Mills County.  He and his wife, Harva, have three children who were active 4-H members. They have all made entries in the Horticulture department at the Iowa State Fair.  James and Harva are financial supporters of the Iowa 4-H Foundation and the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation. 

Mills County is honored to induct James in the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame.

Categories: Mills

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