Posted on August 24, 2015 at 9:29 AM by Global Reach
Verlyn & Jerry have been married 52 years. Their volunteer 4-H experience began when their daughter was in her third year of 4-H. Verlyn was a 4-H club leader for Morley Merry Maidens and Morley M & M’s for the next 35 years! Verlyn continues to support Jones County 4-H serving on the Youth Committee for 2 terms. Verlyn and Jerry have served as horse project leaders since 1986. They were instrumental in starting horse project clinics and improving horse shows in Jones County.
They also helped with record book evaluations and several other 4-H activities. They enjoy helping at 4-H basketball and volleyball games, county communication and clothing events. Involvement in 4-H has been wonderful for Verlyn and Jerry.
Verlyn states, “We really enjoy working with all the 4-H’ers. They give back so much more than what we give them. It is great coming to The Great Jones County Fair and seeing 4-H members. It means so much to us for them to tell us how 4-H has helped them in their life. 4-H is a big part of their life and ours too.”
Categories: Jones