Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 24, 2015 at 9:16 AM by Global Reach

Jim and Lisa CalvertJim Calvert began his 4-H career as a member of the Wichita Wildcats 4-H club in Guthrie County.  After going to college and receiving a degree in agricultural education he returned to Guthrie Center High School as the agricultural and FFA instructor where he taught for the past 35 years.  Although he is very involved in FFA, he has had an impact on the 4-H program in Guthrie County as well.  He has served on the county youth committee and just started a 3rd term on the County Extension Council where he has been elected president for the 3rd year. Jim has been the backbone to many improvement projects such as fundraising for the new larger 4-H food stand at the Guthrie County Fairgrounds. He has helped at the Guthrie County Fair is numerous capacities including sheep superintendent and organizes the livestock judging contest each year. 

Lisa Calvert began her 4-H career as a member of the Fremont Farmerettes in Page County.  After getting married to Jim she moved to Guthrie County.  When her three children, Jodi, Lindsay, and Jared were old enough to join 4-H, she became involved in the 4-H program as leader of the girls’ group, the U.S. Sunbeams.  She led the club for over 10 years. A quilter and sewer, she loved teaching new members how to sew. She continues to be a crucial part of the

4-H program, serving as treasurer for the Guthrie County 4-H Foundation and is the bookkeeper for the 4-H/FFA Auction.Jim and Lisa Calvert receiving award

The Calverts are a huge asset to the success of the Guthrie County Fair.  Jim spends countless hours donating his handyman skills to get the fairgrounds ready. He concentrates his efforts helping the youth work on and understand their feeder pen records and is also busy in the sheep barn. After the county fair, Jim is busy with cleaning up the sheep barn and helping the Guthrie County Cattlemen clean the beef barns

Lisa is usually found working with Jim on the open class sheep show, volunteering in the livestock office, and helping with the pie auction. She still manages to find time to stop into the Extension Office to offer help. Lisa spends hours donating her services to cutting all the checks for the fair. This dedication and passion help make the best better in Guthrie County.


Categories: Guthrie

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