Posted on August 21, 2015 at 2:02 PM by Global Reach
Russ Cook has been involved in 4-H helping youth most of his life. He volunteers with all aspects of the Cedar County 4-H program for years including:
--Serving as one of the beef superintendents for the fair for many years, --helping with market beef weigh-in, --serving as a ring man for the 4-H beef shows, --one of the organizers for the Team Fitting Contest and --helps with the Market Beef Auction.
As a member of the Cedar County Cattlemen Russ:
-- served many years on the Cedar County Cattlemen Board and now serves as president of the group. --works with the “Pit Beef Cooking” group during the year to help provide college scholarships for Cedar County youth,--cook beef burgers for the fair 4-H Food Stand and the free beef burgers for a promotional fair event. --is working with a fund raising group for a new cattle barn to provide better housing facilities for 4-H exhibiting and open shows held on the fairgrounds and --provides awards for youth recognition.
As a farmer and Cattle Producer:
--Used knowledge gained through his 4-H experience showing heifers to build his cow/calf herd of 225 cows. All born and raised on this farm over the past 38 years.
--Was selected as the 2014 Iowa Outstanding Commercial Cattle Producer by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association and the Iowa Beef Breeds Council.
As a cattle producer raises quality show animals for youth to purchase.
Community Service:
--Served as an elected member of the Cedar County Extension Council, --Board member of the Beef Promotions of Iowa, which manages the Beef Quarters at the Iowa State Fair and --Active in local community organizations.
Russ Cook is a man to be admired for his interest in all youth, not just the 4-H youth. He willingly takes opportunity to help youth understand what is involved in raising good cattle and what it takes to put a good product into the food chain. Russ is known for his ability to take time to assist anyone in need of help. This involves a stranger, a friend, family members and most of all 4-H Youth.
We have personally seen how Russ treats youth with respect and always keeps a positive attitude in front of the youth. As a beef superintendent Russ has been involved in helping resolve some difficult issues during weigh-in or during fair and he is always looking out for the youth but also taking the opportunity to instill in them that rules are made to follow for a reason. He is showing youth what real life is all about and encouraging them as they learn along the way. He is promoting 4-H for the future generations and continues to put youth first and foremost.
Most of all – Russ’s smile tells everyone he is a friend, and his heart is in the youth of Cedar County!
Categories: Cedar