Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 10:54 AM by Global Reach

Dale Haugland began his 4-H volunteer career while working at the local photography studio. Wright County Extension staff stopped in the studio and asked if someone could do a workshop on photography for the 4-H’ers. Dale was sent to do his first photography workshop and from that day on led many workshops in the North Central area. After leading workshops the next step for him was to judge at the county fair. Judging was fun for him, his favorite part was working with the kids and watching them grow. There were times when Dale led a workshop and then was the photography judge, and he could see what the kids really learned at his workshops.

Dale volunteered as the Wright County Photography project leader & Photography judge for over 40 years. When asking Dale what his favorite part of volunteering with the 4-H program was, he answered, “the kids, they are the best bunch of kids. When they come to a workshop they are not messing around and they listen and ask good questions.” Like all great volunteers, Dale liked to share his knowledge with the youth. Over the years as a 4-H volunteer he learned a lot from the kids, especially now with the digital era. Dale enjoyed his years judging 4-H fairs because 4-H is based on the  4-H’ers own goal and growth.

Ask Dale to share a memory he has as a judge and he will share the same story. As a judge kids came to him with their photos and many times do not talk. Dale relates telling a first year 4-H member that if she did not start talking he was not going to give her a ribbon. Well, she really opened up and started talking. Then he had a hard time getting her to stop all of her chatting. Now since this trick worked to get kids talking, Dale continued to use it during his years of judging.

Everyone can be in 4-H because there is something for everyone, and he is glad that his boss sent him to do that first photography workshop with the Wright County 4-H’ers. Dale feels being involved with 4-H is one of the best experiences of his life, never a dull moment.

You will still find Dale at many 4-H events and fairs. Once 4-H is in your blood it’s hard to let it all go. Congratulations to 2014 Wright County 4-H Hall of Fame inductee Dale Haugland.

Categories: Wright

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