Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 10:53 AM by Global Reach

Paul FerleyPaul Ferley has served the Worth County 4-H program in a variety of ways. He co-managed the Worth County 4-H Food Stand for a number of years with great success in recording increased funds for the Worth County 4-H Foundation. Paul also was 4-H Beef Superintendent after his children completed exhibiting at the county fair. He proved to be a very organized leader for the County 4-H Beef Show for more than a decade.

For nearly twenty years Paul and another Worth County 4-H supporter each provided a pig for an annual 4-H pig roast fundraiser at the Worth County Fair. Through Paul’s generous 4-H volunteer and fundraising efforts, 4-H in Worth County was able to enjoy some of the healthiest financial fund balances ever. With his continued support many 4-H members were able to receive scholarships and support for participation, communication, leadership, and citizenship experiences that youth may not have been able to afford otherwise.

Paul’s family has also been fully engaged in the Worth County 4-H program with his wife Sheryl volunteering her educational expertise as a long time school teacher. She has led educational workshops and volunteered numerous hours to Worth County 4-H. Paul’s daughter, Suzette and son Mark were very active 4-Her’s. Mark served two years on the Iowa State 4-H Council and was elected as a State 4-H officer his second year.

Categories: Worth

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