Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 8:13 AM by Global Reach

Robert MooreBob Moore has been an active volunteer for Mills County 4H in many capacities. While serving as a club leader, he was also a member of the fair board.  He was instrumental in getting the County Road Department to donate a dump truck during fair week to haul animal waste to different places in the county.  He worked with others to provide leadership in large projects such as painting the inside of the block building. He served as superintendent of the dairy project and Ag & Natural Resources and Science & Engineering for several years. He continues to help with Science and Engineering, and the Model Rocket Launch during the fair.  Bob shared the following memories of his experiences as a 4-H member and volunteer.

“I was involved in 4-H as a member for 8 years.  My favorite projects were 1) Feeder Calf Project which I participated in for 4 years.  2) Crop project was the other area I enjoyed.  With Dad’s help I had a soybean plot usually 10-12 acres.  I was a member of the Melcher Mites 4-H Club located in Marion County.  Some favorite memories I have were attending many camps at Madrid from my junior through senior 4-H years and our club tours every summer.  I met my wife Janis on a 4-H Exchange Trip to Minnesota. 

“The things that are important to me about the 4-H program are:  4H taught me to understand what commitment was and what it means to follow through on what you started.  Responsibility was also a great lesson I learned along with stepping up and volunteering your time and abilities to better serve your community.

“I was a 4-H leader for 8 years for the Future Feeders.  The Future Feeders was a great family club totally committed to the 4-H program and what it offered.  I spent two years on the Youth Committee with one year as chairperson.  I remember reading and judging lots of record books and watching the kids on Awards Night step up and receive their recognition.  Serving on Youth Committee was the toughest job to handle just because you wanted to treat everyone fair, but you had rules to keep in place and follow to make the program a success for all involved.

“I am humbled to be given the honor of being inducted into the 4H Hall of Fame for Mills County.  I have met and worked with a lot of citizens and youth in Mills County and outside the county.  The friendships made and time spent being involved with the 4-H program is a great reward that will last me a lifetime.” 

We are honored that Bob chose to be a part of Mills County 4H.  He has been an asset to the 4H program, not only because of his dedication to volunteering, but because he has a positive influence on everyone he meets.  Bob is able to put youth and adults at ease with his calm and kind personality.  He makes everyone feel important, truly demonstrating that sense of belonging and the spirit of 4H.  We are pleased that he is our newest member of the Iowa 4H Hall of Fame.

Categories: Mills

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