Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 18, 2014 at 8:11 AM by Global Reach

Tom and Lisa HemesathTom has been involved with the Marshall County 4-H program since 2000.  Along with his wife Lisa, he served as co-leader of the Central Iowa 4-H Club for ten years.  During those ten years, enrollment increased from 29 in the first year to over 50 members for the next nine years. 

Tom has invested many hours improving the show pavilion and the swine barn at the Central Iowa Fairgrounds in Marshalltown.  This includes raising funds to purchase new pens for the barn, new pens for the show pavilion and pouring concrete around the show ring to create a more enjoyable environment.  This year, Tom raised enough money to purchase 40 new swine pens. 

He has been the Swine Superintendent since 2001.  As such, he has traveled many miles for on-farm swine weigh-ins, grilled lunch for 100’s of fair exhibitors and sweat through many steaming hot afternoons in July while shoveling, sweeping and setting up pens at the Central Iowa Fair. 

Tom leads by example and provides youth with strong personal skills that translate to a successful life style.  The 4-H program for Tom has always been about the youth.  He continues to give back even after his children graduated.  Tom is an excellent example of “Making the Best, Better”.

Categories: Marshall

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